Robbie Burns Supper – Lochaneil Society – January 25, 2019
On January 25, the Kenora Lochaneil Society held its 35th Annual Burns Supper at the Old Armouries in Kenora. Master of Ceremonies, Dave Allan, officiated the proceedings to the enjoyment of the packed house. Cecil Burns piped in the Haggis, carried by Haggis Bearer, Jim Retson. Alex Coates gave the “Address to the Haggis”, which was followed by a fine meal catered by Gropps. After supper, came many toasts with the keynote Toast to the Immortal Memory given by Will Scutt. Guest piper, Wes Sheppard, entertained the crowd with three rousing sets of pipe music which brought the house to its feet each time. The evening ended with the singing of “Auld Lang Syne”. The event was a successful celebration of the birth of Robbie Burns.
(Article submitted by Cecil Burns)