Kenora Scottish

Kenora Scottish Pipes & Drums

Annual Cadet Review – June 2, 2018

Annual Cadet Review – June 2, 2018

The Annual Cadet Review was held on Saturday, June 2, 2018 at the Kenora Armouries, Artillery Way, Kenora, Ontario. The event began with the Kenora Scottish Pipe Band leading the cadets into the drill hall and marching them to the parade review position and then our Pipe-Major played “Mull of Kintyre” during the Cadet Inspection. To close out the ceremony, the band led the cadets in a circuit of the drill hall and marched them out. This is an important event for the cadets, as promotions and awards are handed out by the reviewing senior officers. The Band performance is one way that we show our ongoing appreciation to the Armouries for allowing us to use their space for practice and for equipment storage.

Cadets standing at attention prior to receiving awards.